Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Meaning of Industrial Psychology

The meaning of industrial psychology is the branch of applied psychology that is concerned with efficient management of an industrial labor force and especially with problems encountered by workers in a mechanized environment.

The society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), a division of the American Psychological Association, defines industrial psychology as the scientific study of the workplace. Industrial psychology helps employers improve working conditions for the benefit of employees and for heightened organizational productivity.


  1. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 26 percent growth in employment for industrial-organizational psychologists.
  2. Significance

  3. Industrial psychologists perform research as practitioners or academics in the application of psychology to the workplace. Their combined research is used by employers to improve the workplace.
  4. Function

  5. The industrial psychologist performs roles important to work organizations, such as collaborating with the organization's leadership to reorganize how work is assigned. This reorganization raises the productivity of the organization.
  6. Benefits

  7. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology notes that the industrial psychologist performs an important job of helping organizations to maximize their human capital.
  8. Expert Insights

  9. According to the SIOP, this field provides advice that benefits workers. Areas include testing, selection and promotion, training and development and employee attitudes and motivation.

    The SIOP also notes benefits for organizations. Industrial psychologists provide strong leadership in change management, strategic planning, surveys, job design and evaluation, restructuring and workforce planning and cross-cultural understanding.